California’s undeclared Superdelegates

Is the Clinton campaign preparing to concede the nomination to Barack Obama?

Earlier today, Bill Clinton told a crowd in Milbank, SD, “this may be the last day I’m ever involved in a campaign of this kind.” [MSNBC’s First Read]

And Hillary Clinton is planning tomorrow’s post-primary speech in New York, a rarity according to the Associated Press. Her staffers have been invited to attend, but if they’re unable to “go home for further instructions.”

With that in mind, I thought it might be time for a quick review of the numbers, and how California plays into the scenario:

Obama is now 46 delegates short of the 2,118 needed to clinch the Democratic nomination, while Clinton needs 202. There are 31 pledged delegates up for grabs in the Tuesday contests, and 202 superdelegates have yet to commit to either candidate. [CNN]

Thirteen of the 202 superdelegates are from California. They are:

Steve Ybarra, Art Torres, Robert Ranking, John Perez, Christine Pelosi, Bob Mulholland, Carole Midgen, Susan Davis, Bob Filner, Sam Farr, Michael Honda, Gerald McNerney, and Nancy Pelosi.

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